Sunday, August 25, 2013

Approaching Women Successfully: The Opening

By J. Ryu

The Initial Approach is perhaps the most challenging and arguably the most important part of interacting with a brand-new woman. The manner in which you open a woman will either get you in the door to start your game or it will get you a fat rejection. If you have a bad opening, you will never be able to approach women successfully.

The first thing you should do if you want to approach women successfully is to work on your looks, work on your confidence, handle your approach anxiety, and then learn how to successfully open women. The opening is not really complicated nor is it hard to pull off. There is basically only two major things you have to worry about. It's just that you have to get over your approach anxiety and actually APPROACH women.

1) Have something ready to say

An attractive woman and even a semi-attractive woman was flirted and hit on many times before you came along. Most of those losers had bad to marginal opening lines and probably resorted to "it sure is crowded in here" or "that's a cool purse." kind of uninteresting drivel. You have to distance yourself from the dozens of losers she has rejected and demonstrate high value by being witty, intriguing, and/or different (in a good way).

Since you're about to puke just getting over approach anxiety and actually cold approach a woman, it is best to have a few canned openers that has actually been repeatedly tested with women and is shown to work. Many of the cheesy pickup lines smell bad and make you look silly and downright desperate, so keep away from the "did you fall from heaven?" types and select some imaginative, natural sounding ones.

The book "Mating Intelligence Unleashed" says that most women prefer an indirect approach over a direct approach so pick a couple of indirect openers, memorize it, and practice, practice, practice. I find the opinion asking ones to be very natural, fluid, and girls respond well to them.

2) Body language and presentation.

Remember, 55% of communication is visual (body language, eye contact), 38 % is vocal (pitch, speed, volume, intonation), and 7 % is actual words. This suggests that what you say is just garnish to how you say it or how you present yourself when you say it.

Smile on the approach! A smile will disarm, de-guard, and de-bitch any woman and it will establish a more friendly environment. You also need to keep strong eye contact. Strong eye contact, combined with a lower voice tone and slower speech patterns, can speed up trust, comfort, and attraction.

Give her negative body language! This means to position the front of your body away from her and just turn your head towards her. Turn your body towards her only when she qualifies herself (i.e. says something witty/sexy). This might seem anti-intuitive but it works and is based on solid attraction psychology. By showing negative body language, you demonstrate high value because you don't come off as desperate or needy and are showing you do not need her attention or approval.

At the same time you will have to display confident, alpha male body language: chest out, shoulders back. If you do not know ways to display confident hands, just hang it by your side, or animate it by talking with them.

That's it... Now you can:

Throw in some time constraint techniques such as, "I've just got a minute because I'm meeting my friends, but I have to say..." or "One more thing before I go ..." and grab their number.

Shift into A2 phase. This is where you hook them by flaunting your high value with such things as story telling, tricks, magic demonstrations, psychic readings, negging (veiled teasing), leading the discussion, etc.

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