With the job situation these days, many are searching elsewhere for a job. If you are not that choosy with regards to jobs then you will probably land with one anytime soon. A car hauler job can be the perfect occupation for you if you simply love driving. What is that exactly?
Many cars are transported from one place to another. They don't want to drive. This is where car haulers come to picture. Some cars may come from auctions which is to be delivered elsewhere. Some car dealers do the same thing, and want those cars transported to their car lots. Being a car hauler would be easy for you if you have the skills as well as the tools and equipment for it.
So how can you engage in this sort of business?
Most companies that want transport, require that you have a Class A CDL, and at least one year hauling experience, or least two years of over the road driving. They want to ensure the safety of their package therefore they can only hire the best.
Of course, the right equipment is also something that you will need. It is good if you can provide trucks for hauling however be sure that your unit can contain a specific number of vehicles to be hauled. For instance, the Ford F 450 can haul up to 24,500 pounds. This total weight is actually the weight of three cars. Among those commonly used hauling trucks is the Dodge RAM 3500 which is pretty much built to carry heavy loads as well.
A trailer that is built for this sort of job is also something that you will need. That trailer should have at least three axles, and your choice of either a gooseneck hitch or a fifth wheel. You will need a hitch that is good enough to tow a weight of 23,000 pounds.
The type of hauling is also something that you should consider. For those who are experienced in the said field, they would advice covering no more than 500 miles of track. Anything more than that, and you're putting too much stress on your vehicle.
What does the job of hauling cars pay? You can make close to $300 per car, if you haul three cars. That $900 minus your expenses will leave you somewhere between 100 and $200 gross for about 8 to 9 hours driving.
You may also want to shop around for the best insurance with the lowest rate.
You should also have a clear idea of your prospective clients. There are number of ways you can do that. Among those ways is to look up for car hauling jobs online at US HIP.com.
The last thing to consider is to make sure that safety is your greatest concern. Observe traffic rules and make sure to follow them always. Since you'll be carrying a heavy load, you'll be traveling a longer distance. Furthermore, you need to mind every turn you make since it won't be easy considering the size of your vehicle and the load that you are carrying.
Many cars are transported from one place to another. They don't want to drive. This is where car haulers come to picture. Some cars may come from auctions which is to be delivered elsewhere. Some car dealers do the same thing, and want those cars transported to their car lots. Being a car hauler would be easy for you if you have the skills as well as the tools and equipment for it.
So how can you engage in this sort of business?
Most companies that want transport, require that you have a Class A CDL, and at least one year hauling experience, or least two years of over the road driving. They want to ensure the safety of their package therefore they can only hire the best.
Of course, the right equipment is also something that you will need. It is good if you can provide trucks for hauling however be sure that your unit can contain a specific number of vehicles to be hauled. For instance, the Ford F 450 can haul up to 24,500 pounds. This total weight is actually the weight of three cars. Among those commonly used hauling trucks is the Dodge RAM 3500 which is pretty much built to carry heavy loads as well.
A trailer that is built for this sort of job is also something that you will need. That trailer should have at least three axles, and your choice of either a gooseneck hitch or a fifth wheel. You will need a hitch that is good enough to tow a weight of 23,000 pounds.
The type of hauling is also something that you should consider. For those who are experienced in the said field, they would advice covering no more than 500 miles of track. Anything more than that, and you're putting too much stress on your vehicle.
What does the job of hauling cars pay? You can make close to $300 per car, if you haul three cars. That $900 minus your expenses will leave you somewhere between 100 and $200 gross for about 8 to 9 hours driving.
You may also want to shop around for the best insurance with the lowest rate.
You should also have a clear idea of your prospective clients. There are number of ways you can do that. Among those ways is to look up for car hauling jobs online at US HIP.com.
The last thing to consider is to make sure that safety is your greatest concern. Observe traffic rules and make sure to follow them always. Since you'll be carrying a heavy load, you'll be traveling a longer distance. Furthermore, you need to mind every turn you make since it won't be easy considering the size of your vehicle and the load that you are carrying.
About the Author:
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