Monday, October 7, 2013

Are You Using Positive Words As Your Success Strategy? Test Yourself

By Marvin R. Wilcox

The mindset of a human being is a Powerful thing. It has the ability to make a person happy and prosperous or it can even hold him back from achieving good things in life. A negative mindset can make you miserable even when the circumstances are favorable. In short, positive attitude towards life can have a huge impact on every aspect of your life.I would not say that it is a simple process to change your attitude towards life. One has to struggle a lot to change his thought pattern but it is worth it. The words coming out of your mouth have great power to change your life for good or bad. If you want to know what you will become five years from now, just listen to what you are saying about yourself today.
[positive words]

Every word that we say has an effect. All spiritual disciplines warn us to be very careful of the words that we speak. Negative words can remain with a child all his life as can positive words. A moment of irritation can cause a parent to say "You never do things right." Many a child has heard a parent or relative say, "You will never make anything of yourself." How damaging that can be, when as an adult he is applying for a job.

We are showered every day by negative words. Turning on the television at news time gives us mostly a negative outpouring of words. Added to this, we have talk shows where people are always arguing and discussing negative events. Then a neighbour will pop in for a drink and tell you about the latest operation she had and once again, you are listening to negative words. You must discipline yourself to eliminate these negative words as much as possible.

You can determine to outbalance the negative words with the positive words by listening to inspirational tapes, when at home, or driving in the car. You can join a group where people regularly focus on positive things. You may go to a church group and sing out the positive words in a song. There is a marvellous healing power in sacred songs and hymns.

If everyone in my world is out to help me achieve my greatest desires then:A free health assessment provides me an opportunity to focus my attention on what I'm doing right and what I still need to improve to achieve my own stated health goals.Everyone who posts a job I'm interested in writes the position with me in mind.People interviewing me for a job want me to stand out as a candidate. They're secretly rooting for me.If I am laid off, the universe is making way for a better situation for me. I am now free to invite creativity and challenging work into my life.Where ever I go I meet people who are looking to be my friend, my partner or employer.

All I could seem to see was what that person told me. One of my pastors saw me backing off. She attempted to pull me back into singing. Also, other people who had a musical background and had heard me sing before begin to paint another image inside of me, with positive inspiring, motivating words. They encouraged me by telling me I could sing. So I began singing again, reluctantly I might add.It took a long time, years in fact to get pass that negative and destructive thought that had been planted as a seed and produced a picture of inability, fear and unproductiveness.On the other hand, her is an example of how good, wholesome and positive words produced after their kind: I continually speak good and positive words to and over my children. Through the application of these kinds of words my son, Sheldon Jr. achieved a four-point grade average.At this writing he is eight years old.I remember one time when he came to me and ask me if he was stupid. I told him that he was not stupid. I told him not to let anyone tell him that. And I told him that he was a smart boy.I feed his mind with the words, "You can do all things through Christ which strengthens you"He believed those words.And through the avenues of positive thinking, based upon God's Word, and help from his mother in his studies, he achieved excellence. And he will get better.

Parents, what are you telling your children.Oh be careful what you feed the minds of your child. Make sure you are not feeding them with a destructive mindset of negativism and limitation.Feed them truth from God's Word about themselves so that they can see themselves in the light of truth, God's Truth, and act accordingly.Words will form their inner self, positive or negative.Let me give you another vivid picture of the power of words and their affect upon the hearts and minds of people.It is sad, but true that many young people have gotten caught up in some very negative and destructive habits and behaviors.I remember when this trend started to develop some serious problems in our land.People started throwing blame all over the place.Some blamed the parents.Some blamed the teachers.Some even had the audacity to blame the church.But very few really placed the blame where it really belonged.We must remember that we all have an enemy named satan.He is an evil foe that does not care about anyone. His one intent is destroying mankind.The enemy has come against this generation through the negative influence of destructive thoughts.Of course he has been using people to plant these negative images in the hearts of men and women, boys and girls. And he still does.

Let us look at a few examples. If you are in dentist's waiting room and the nurse comes in and says, "I do apologize for the delay, but the dentist has had to do an emergency treatment. I would be more than happy to help you if it more convenient for you to make another appointment.". Or if you have to walk into a supermarket and the manager explains "We are so sorry for the inconvenience, but we are changing the display to make it easier or our customers" If you are anxious about a situation and a friend tells you "Don't worry, everything will turn out alright." What a healing, calming effect those positive words have.

So, in essence, you must be conscious of the meaning of the words you speak, be aware of the resounding effect these words have, discipline yourself to listen to a higher percentage of positive words than negative words, beware of unthinkingly using negativity in everyday expressions, and be proactive in using positive words in your business, home, and moment-to-moment living. It is so true as a wise voice from the past cautions us "The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife. In the hands of a careful and skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do great good. But in the hands of a careless or ignorant person, a knife can cause great harm. Exactly as it is with our words." (Source Unknown)

After having read this text you should be able to evaluate how conscious you are of your choice of words. Positive Words are the backbone of a successful life. The more you integrate them into your day to day living, the more you will have success in every area of your life.

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