Sunday, October 6, 2013

Get Him Back In Your Arms Fast

By Yukiko Wilson

Winning back your boyfriend after a break up is not cut and dry. It requires a discrete plan coupled with strategic moves. However, before making any moves, you need to be in a position of power first. If you're not, every move will be met with resistance and your efforts will be wasted. And what's worse is that your ex won't have any respect for you.
[How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back]

It's crucial that every move you make is done from a position of power. Have confidence in both your actions and your words. Let it speak for who you are and what you want. It's important to note here that with the breakup, your boyfriend effectively owns the relationship between you two. In doing so, he's in a position of power where you are not. The deck is stacked against you... and as long as that's the case, you'll never get the upper hand.Reclaiming Your Position.This is fundamental in getting him back. What you really want to accomplish here is to change his mind set about how he sees you. It's important that he sees you as someone worth dating and not just an ex. Get him to see you as his equal instead of something to be controlled.

Make sure you update your status to say something like "had a blast last night", "hungover", etc. I am sure you get the picture here. He needs to think you aren't missing him. Next, get your "fake men", and have them post to you and your friends walls saying "you are awesome", "thanks for the night of my life", etc. This will get your man wanting you back bad.

If you are like most ex girlfriends than one of the reasons your man fell out of love with you is that you stopped doing the things that he thought were sexy about you. The shavings every other day, the tanning, the teeth whitening, the sexy lingerie, the "everything gone" waxing, the working out every day. Start doing these things again, and make sure he knows about it. Do everything you can to bring up these things.

Take a moment to think about that.I'm almost certain that your immediate reaction to the breakup was to try and keep the relationship alive. But did you stop and really think about it? Maybe you're better off apart? The mistake you made here was that your response to the breakup was natural but reflexive and defensive.It's normal and natural to want to be loved, but at the same time it's also normal and natural to want what we can't have. The instant the relationship was over was the instant you wanted to be loved by him but also wanted what you could no longer have.

I am willing to bet that there were some things that your man loves and is passionate about that you didn't like. Whether it was cars, basketball, hunting, fishing, golf, motorcycles, or something else, he liked it, and you didn't. Well, here is where you will sense a real sense of power. Start becoming a fan of all of the things your ex boyfriend is. If you want your man back, then start to honestly become interested in his interests. Talk about the game, the cars, the golf tournament, etc. Update your status with, "watching the game with a bunch of friends, awesome."

If you follow my 3 Facebook Tricks to get your ex boyfriend back, then after a week or two of doing this, your man will come back. He will come back because you have become the girl that he fell in love with. If you want to keep your man after you get him back, you are going to need to keep doing these things. The biggest mistake that you can make as a woman is to stop doing the things that your man loves about you. Keep it up, and you will keep him.

Finally, don't obsess over the break up. So your boyfriend broke up with you... it happens every day to women around the world. This doesn't give you a license to go around and throw a pity party for yourself. I suggest you go back and re-read the part about seeing the break up through your boyfriend's eyes. Crying, begging and chasing after him won't get it done. As you work to restore your confidence, your actions and your words will follow suit and your boyfriend WILL notice you.

Turning the Tables on Your Ex by Rejecting Him.What you want to accomplish here is to make it seem like you're no longer interested in your ex. Up to this point, this is the exact opposite of what you've been doing, but I guarantee that as soon as you put the brakes on and stop chasing him he's going to start worrying.This simple yet effective ploy will make it so your ex can't get you out of his head. You might not think that he's all that interested in what you're currently up to, but you'd be surprised how fast and effective this is.Since your ex is the one who broke things off and you've been chasing him, he knows he can have you back at his convenience. This puts him in a position of power like I talked about before because it allows him to do whatever he wants during the break up.

However, when you start doing your own thing something magical happens. You're ex has to face the reality that he could lose you. What's even better is that "breaking up" with your ex puts him on the receiving end of the rejection. Now I understand that you're not technically dating, but when you take the initiative and start doing you own thing, you put yourself in a position of power.In the beginning, your ex broke it off. But now you've turned the tables on him. This is an integral part to getting your boyfriend back because he now has to analyze a relationship that might be lost forever. If you haven't guessed it by now, you're making your ex want you by not wanting him.There are lots of things you can do to pull the rug out from under your ex boyfriend. Understanding these methods will help you accelerate the process of having your ex call you back or contact you and this is the next step.

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